Daily#168 Explosions
https://www.oursong.com/vibe/orzmleow Number of injured rises after explosions at Russian air base in Crimea 俄羅斯克里米亞空軍基地爆炸後受傷人數上升 クリミアのロシア空軍基地での爆発後の負傷者数の増加
Daily#166 Garin Shopping
https://www.oursong.com/vibe/awmbexgr Ukraine predicts shipping 3 to 5 million tonnes of grain per month if current agreement holds 如果目前的...
Proletariat must refuse to fight in an imperialistic war
I would not risk my life fighting for a country that belongs to the oppressors of my people. No way, not a chance. Those who say people must...
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Проживая 24 февраля 2022 в Украине, глазами крипто любителя
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