5 篇文章
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SolFarmer 教學 — 歡迎來到農場

原文: https://link.medium.com/2ZpLQl9p7jb by SolFarm 翻譯: 拷貝貓 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ (Twitter) copycat.sol 「Yield farming」按照字面上的意思會很難理解,因此通常中文會將其翻為「流動性挖礦」或「收...

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使用Tulip(鬱金香)協議獲利: 第四篇 — 使用少量的槓桿挖礦 (Farming with Minimal Leverage)

原文: https://thesolanagrapevine.substack.com/p/profiting-with-tulip-protocol-part-b46 by The Solana Grapevine 翻譯: 拷貝貓 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ (Twitter)

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使用Tulip(鬱金香)協議獲利: 第三篇 — 對沖(Hedging)

原文: https://thesolanagrapevine.substack.com/p/profiting-with-tulip-protocol-part-fb3?justPublished=true by The Solana Grapevine 翻譯: 拷貝貓 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ (Twitter)

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使用Tulip(鬱金香)協議獲利: 第二篇 — 空頭(Shorting)

原文: https://thesolanagrapevine.substack.com/p/the-solana-grapevine-11212021?justPublished=true by The Solana Grapevine 翻譯: 拷貝貓 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ (Twitter)

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使用Tulip(鬱金香)協議獲利: 第一篇 — 利用多頭 (Leveraging Long)

原文: https://thesolanagrapevine.substack.com/p/profiting-with-tulip-protocol-part?justPublished=true by The Solana Grapevine 翻譯: 拷貝貓 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ (Twitter)
