Navigating Business Complexities with Hiram Ip
In the dynamic landscape of corporate leadership, the seasoned Chief Executive Officer, Hiram Ip, stands as an exemplar of strategic acumen ...
Hiram Ip's Guide to Leadership Excellence: Navigating the Dynamic Organizational Landscape
Embarking on a transformative journey through the annals of leadership, Hiram Ip emerges as a beacon of strategic acumen.
Types of power
Five types. Explained.
Role and purpose of an Inspirational Motivational Speaker
Motivational speakers in Pakistan are peoples who are the change-makers of society and the young generation. These peoples give inspirationa...
Leadership 是什麼 ? Wedu Gobal 女性領導力培育計畫 參與紀錄
Wedu Gobal 是一間使命為『開發高潛力年輕女性』的亞洲社會企業 藉由提供指導與教練等資源,培養女性的領導潛能為了能更好的實現我那些奇奇怪怪的想法,今年寒假我成功申請進了 Wedu2020 冬季的領導力培訓計畫,讓我開始了一場探訪內在自我以及人生渴望的旅程。
不講當責,也不講教練式領導,只談這背後的驅動力,那就是對你和團隊的向心力。這篇文章如果想用聽的,歡迎來我的 Voice Blog→【DK Opinion】作為領導人,基本的修煉必須要有,你要由內而外,修心、談願景,成為「以身作則、說到做到」的領導者,這樣才能建立起信任與信用,帶領軍隊攻破城池。