Recursive template metaprogramming (Part III)
On the previous part, I went through some practice on abstractions when writing recursions. This part would be the last part of the current topic.
Recursive template metaprogramming (Part II)
Previously I wrote about basic utility and simple examples of recursive template programming. On this part I will show how to write Find, R...
Recursive template metaprogramming (Part I)
This article is a writeup to practice on recursive template metaprogramming. It is that may come in handy for compile time operations.
Effective Modern C++ Notes - Deducing Types
記錄Effective Modern C++主要概念和容易忘記的重點
Sorting std::unique_ptr in associative containers
在工作時因為 associative container 遇到的 bug。在這裡分享一下 XD 使用 associative container 做 resource management 在撰寫管理元素,作為集合功能的物件時,為了 resource man...