Eighty percent of Americans consider that in the U.S. there is discrimination
Most adults say tensions between black people and police and concerns about the treatment of black people
Most adults say tensions between black people and police and concerns about the treatment of black people
In the wake of incidents in which black Americans have been killed by police
In the wake of incidents in which black Americans have been killed by police, the Black Lives Matter movement and black discrimination is ...
In the wake of incidents in which black Americans have been killed by police
In the wake of incidents in which black Americans have been killed by police, the Black Lives Matter movement and black discrimination is b...
Black Lives Matter 下的自我反思和定位
来美国快五年了,所幸的是作为一个亚裔,还没有遭受过直接的歧视。但是因为最近美国成为了新冠疫情的重灾区,给亚裔的形象带来了阴影,看到身边的朋友在公交车、在路上被歧视,还是很不好受。George Floyd的事件,一开始没怎么关注,以为这次也不过是媒体时不时爆出的族群歧视事件,发酵一会儿就过去了。
發生在美國明州的警暴事件,不單引起了美國社會上下的騷動,也帶來舉世觸目的迴響,其實警暴問題並不是某個國家或地區個別事例,嚴格來說警暴每天都在各地發生,問題是有否被公諸於世,和事件引發的社會矛盾有多激烈,結果這次事件牽動了一直困擾美國自立國以來一直還沒有解決的深層次社會矛盾––– 種族之間矛盾問題。
我的反贼群因为George Floyd案引发的美国暴乱而撕裂了
Protesters gather Monday at a memorial for George Floyd at the Minneapolis intersection where he lived out his final moments.
亲历费城 Justice for George Floyd 游行
Join us as we demand justice for George Floyd and declare our solidarity with the rebellion against racist police violence in Minneapolis!