美國尋奇:讀Abou Farman《關於不死》
人類學家Abou Farman帶我們走進越來越活躍的人體冷凍社群。這些美國資產階級白人如何透過科技想像與實踐「永生不死」?2020年出版的On Not Dying是一本黑色科幻民族誌,故事的荒誕程度讓人目瞪口呆。但Farman沒有止步於獵奇,作為Talal Asad的關門弟子,這本書示範了世俗主義的分析可以走得多遠。
In Loving Memory of Buck Buck
I feel better to express my emotions in English when it comes to writing an obituary. My dearest cat Buck Buck left this world on the eve of 4 June 2022.
怪力亂神之必要:讀Alan Klima《第九號民族誌》
Death over Dinner: Let's talk about Death
Live every day like it's your last!
The emptiness for a missed goodbye
The coronavirus pandemic has driven us to a suffering situation due to the fear of being infected but especially for the future economic consequences.