I’d write an entire introduction but I did a version of that over here so hop on over there if you so desire. The first post of any blog fee...
I’d write an entire introduction but I did a version of that over here so hop on over there if you so desire. The first post of any blog fee...
Hello Hong Kong, Goodbye
Hello Hong Kong, Goodbye
My Way To Get Away Bad Emotion
此後會開始用英文練習寫作 Hello everyone this is my first time post in blog, and in my essay, I will write my idea and life experience, okay now start the story.
Why Matters?
如同當初加入 Medium 時,我寫了一篇短文作為 hello world,所以這篇就是我在 Matters 的 hello world 囉 :D 目前還在琢磨是不是要把寫作投入在這邊,看起來這邊有不少優點,像是:中文社群的規模與熱絡整合 Like coin,讓寫作更容易有價值閱...