如果這能起到安慰作用的話,那麼同樣的事情也發生在墨西哥,只不過在我們的情況下,2018 年至 2024 年統治我們的絕對獨裁者(安德烈斯·曼努埃爾·洛佩斯·奧布拉多爾)是反電子菸的主要倡議者(想像一下普京或習近平積極倡導反對電子菸)。
Roberto A Sussman 博士
墨西哥國立自治大學 UNAM。
If it serves as consolation, the same is going on in Mexico, except that in our case the absolute dictator (Andres Manuel Lopez Obradoor) who ruled us during 2018-2024 was the main anti-vaping activist (imagine Putin or Xi Jingping actively advocating against vapes).
Now his hand picked successor is the president (Claudia Sheibaum), who is completely indiferent to vaping, but the dictator is still ruling behind the scenes, so Claudia must keep the same prohibitionist line.
But no matter what these imbeciles say or do, the market is growing, supplied by informal vendors and organized drug cartels. These cartels might end up controlling all the market.
I know that Taiwan is different, it is a small country and it seems to be a functioning democracy. The case of Taiwan might show that when democracies become corrupt (as is the case with vaping), they may create more damage than dictatorships.
Dr Roberto A Sussman
Institute of Nuclear Sciences
National Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM.

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