The Real "Big Trouble" of China: A Letter to Paul Krugman
【前言:前几天读了《纽约时报》文章《中国有大麻烦了吗?》后,我给该文作者、2008年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)写了一封电子邮件,指出他文章中的错误。当然,这封邮件的命运,就跟以前我看到有关计生和中国人口的不实报道后,而给编辑记者作者写的那些邮件一样,如石沉大海,毫无回音。给学术权威和媒体记者写信,就像朝黑洞射进去一束光,或者用肉包子打狗,结果往往是有去无回。为了不让自己绞尽脑汁写邮件的辛苦白白浪费,我决定将这封信略加改动后发到马特市。又因为自己英文很差,常常词不达意,犯一些非常低级的语法和拼写错误,所以附上该信的中文版,请各位朋友多多指教。】
Dear Mr. Krugman,
I'm sorry to bother you with my little complaint. I'm a reader of NYT from China. Yesterday, I read your article on the web of NYT titled "Is China in Big Trouble?", and I think what you said in that article is not true.
When you said "Chinese savings have stayed stubbornly high", it seems that your information is outdated. Because what China faces now is just the contrary, from families and companies to local governments, we have " stubbornly high" debts.
Many media have reported and discussed this problem, such as "COVID-19 and China’s Household Debt Dilemma". It said, "In only five years, household debt has surged to 128% of household income, and 56% of Chinese GDP".
And it is that high debt, but not the "demographic transition", or, the one-child policy you indirectly blamed on, makes people dare not to consume.
Why? because the one-child policy was particularly strict in cities and towns, especially for those parents who worked in government or government-owned-or-controlled organizations. These people usually made much more money than those living in the countryside. Since they had only one child, they inclined to spend more money on their only offspring, and support them to get better education.
And better education means these "one-child" could find better jobs and therefore make and spend more money. In other words, such families have promoted consuming, but not the contrary as you said.
Since parents of such families usually have retirement pensions from the government, they don't need to "save a lot to prepare for retirement" at all.
It is people with sons who have to save a lot, not to prepare for retirement, but to buy apartments for their sons. Without an apartment in cities or towns, most probably those young men would have no chance to get married.
In the last decade, I discovered a strange phenomenon among journalists and researchers worldwide. It seems that they are inclined to blame almost every problem in China on the Family Plan, especially the "One-Child" Policy. Some of them even try to demonize those children from "one-child" families. They say these children are spoiled by their parents and grand-parents. Therefore, when 2 university students killed their classmate(s) or room-mate(s) several years ago, they blamed such crimes on the "bad family education of the one-child families", though both murderers actually have sibling(s).
在过去的十年里,我发现世界各地的媒体人和研究者中有一种奇怪的现象。他们喜欢把中国面临的几乎所有问题都归罪于计生政策,尤其是独生子女政策。有些人甚至企图妖魔化独生子女,说这些孩子被父母祖父母宠坏了。因此,几年前,当两个大学生杀死自己的同学或室友后,尽管两个凶手都出身于多子女家庭,那些人却把这样的犯罪栽赃给“独生子女家庭教育差”。(注:此指马加爵和林森浩杀人案,其实林森浩是研究生,准确地说不能算university student,但我英文不是很好,难以准确地表达两人之间的差异,就笼统地称他们为大学生了。)
Most of such opinions are nothing but lies or nonsense. No serious study could prove children from "one-child families" have a higher crime rate than those from families with more than one child.
It is true the Family Plan and "One-Child" Policy of China hurted or even killed women and fetuses. But it is also true that these policies have helped many women and children, especially women and girls from the countryside, to become more independent economically and to get better education. With fewer children to get born and take care of, mothers could get jobs and own salaries outside. With no sibling to compete for the limited family resources, girls could grab the chance to own a degree in universities.
In my junior high school, only 2 girls out of the 40 or so students in our class were lucky enough to get access to higher education, a friend of mine and me. Both of us are the only-child of our parents. That's no coincidence. Even in the countryside where people usually have much strong prejudices against women and girls, our parents were willing to support us to get better education. And they could afford it too, although both our families were not rich at all.
That's why I insist on revealing the lies from people who unfairly blame the Family Plan and "One-Child" Policy of China, although in other areas, I am an insistent criticizer of the CCP government.
In my opinion, the real "big trouble" we Chinese people face now is the contradiction between survival and development. In order to survive in this overpopulated and over-polluted country, we must stop polluting our air, water and land. But in order to get economic development, it's almost impossible not to keep polluting our air, water and land as we have done in the past several decades.
But you economists don't care what people really face in their lives, you only care about money.
I have started to reveal the lies of what I call "anti-Family-Plan liars" years ago. Most of my articles are written in Chinese, here are 4 in English:
‘You Are a Rarity Among All Chinese Women,’ People Always Said
An Evil Secret behind the Stolen or Faked Blank Birth Certificates
Chinese pregnant women are dying because of an outdated WHO suggestion
How could Fuxian Yi fake data and spread his lies so easily worldwide?
What a pity a Nobel laureate like you also joined their choral of lies.
Best regards,
A Chinese woman

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