😺貓教我的事 My cat Buffy taught me 3 things about Life

Haruki Murakami once wrote about cats in his column of Asahi Weekly magazine. He said there’re two kinds of cats:
”Cat of Winning lottery ticket” & “Cat of not Winning lottery ticket”.
You have no idea what kind of characters your cats could be before adopting them. You might get a cat love to play with people or a cat like to be alone.
But whatever you get,you gotta treat your cat as your own child.
My cat Buffy was not only a “Cat of Winning lottery ticket”. She was “Jackpot”.
My cat Buffy brought us nothing but happy from the Day One.
We had to decide which one cat we should bring home from a group of cats about 1-month-old. And we figured out a way to test them.
We put 5 of them standing on my left arm to see what would happen.
3 of them jumped to escape at once. As we were watching one of them walking to my left palm to shout out his anger, another female cat was trying to retreat with Michael Jackson’s moon-walk to my shoulder. Then she stood near my left ear to see what will happen.
我們帶著倒車退到我肩上的那隻虎斑母貓回家,本來要叫她台語倒車的「Bakkuh」,我太太說母貓名字應該女性化一點,最後改取了芭菲,出自影集《魔法奇兵》(Buffy the vampire slayer)。
At last, we can’t help to fall in love with this moon-walk talented cat and brought her home.
I said we should name her “Bakkuh”. It means “To back a car” in Taiwanese. But my wife disagreed with me that she thought the cat should own a female name.
So we called her Buffy after TV series “Buffy the vampire slayer”.
My cat Buffy taught me 3 things about Life in 17 years:
1.Eat what you can get:
She would eat any kind or any brand of cat foods. And she would grab anything falling into the ground from our dinner table.
She cherished all kinds of food.
2.Be positive:
She wanna be with us as many other cats. But you never know. She had to face her home changed or being home without us for a couple times.
We moved twice. I was badly injured in a traffic accident for one month. Then we went to Bordeaux to take wine lessons for almost a year.
My cat Buffy adapted again and again. And she was still a happy cat to bring everybody happy.
3.Never give up:
No one could touch my cat Buffy after she made up her mind to do something.
She determined to sit on one of my leg for ten minutes every night. That’s a steel deal. She got sicked for a few times and she managed to do it as usual.
She struggled to sit on one of my leg for ten minutes until her last night.
I did the first thing she taught me. But sometimes I failed to do the second and third thing she taught me.
It seemed to me that my cat Buffy was a better creature than me.
We accompanied her final ride in January. As Buffy the cat was always a thoughtful & positive family member, we can’t help falling into deep sorrow.
It could be some friends asking how she died. It’s difficult for me to find a way to talk about this. A line at the end of the movie “The Last Samurai “ showed up in my head:
“Tell me how he died.”
“I will tell you how he lived.”
