

《Shouting at the Mountain》由杜葉錫恩和杜學魁合著,在撰寫期間杜學魁虛弱至因病去世,所以他的篇章只能到成功建立到首所帳篷學校就完結了。其他篇幅主要由杜葉錫恩撰寫。








杜葉錫恩也在書中介紹了成長於基要派家庭的Edmund Gosse及其描述自己離教心理變化的Father and Son一書,有空會再看看。


關於殖民主義與傳教士 P79:

He could be cynical too, and when he learned that I was hoping to be a missionary, he pulled no punches and said, without malice, 'Oh, I know you missionaries. You go to a backward country to preach and do good works, and the traders follow to take the land from the people.'

I was rather shocked, because I had no such intention, but in face he was right. That is exactly what happened time after time, whether or not the missionaries were aware of it. Mr Walker's words repeatedly returned to me in later life, when I became a missionary and read history as seen from the viewpoint of the native peoples of the colonies.

離教之路是自然的,但也不是必然 P73:

Those who succumb (fundamentalism) will sooner or later be disillusioned, just as I was. Or if they are not disillusioned, they may develop the feeling that God has given them special powers, made them special people.

杜學魁啟發葉錫恩幾個教義的質疑 P99:

Like Andrew, I also had queries about the doctrine of original sin. Why would God put an apple and a serpent into the Garden of Eden to tempt Eve, and when she and Adam ate that apple, make this a reason for damning the whole of mankind, to the extent that he had to send his own son to die in atonement for their sins? Moreover, if only Christians had the chance of being redeemed, what about those who had never heard of Jesus and must therefore be denied God's forgiveness?

The only answer anyone ever gave me on this point was: "Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?" In which case, of course, hearing the message and believing in Jesus would not be necessary if everything was to be left in God's hands. Like Andrew, I found it all illogical. If I remember correctly, Jesus had said that the reward would go to those who did good for others by caring for the poor and the sick, visiting those in prison and performing other deeds of kindness. To those who merely claimed rewards for abstract beliefs God would say, "I never knew you."

-- 2024/2/16

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